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EN/DE: Study Cancer in Greyhounds / Studie Krebs bei Greyhounds

Verfasst: Mo 18. Nov 2019, 10:53
von Greyhound-Forum
Aufruf von Tony Gallagher zur Meldung der Greyhounds, die an Krebs verstorben sind.

Dr. Shelley Lake DVM Cancer Study
To help with this very important study could all members please update their dog's bereavement message, or submit any information to Shelley directly at:

The information about greyhound cancers in AU, IE and UK are equally important as bloodlines have gone back and forth between all countries for decades, so posts or forwarding on information should not be limited to US dogs.

If you are unable to update your dog's bereavement message please post the details in this thread and a team member will do the update.

Thank you to all members for taking part and sharing this information.
Wer das "Bereavement Message" Feld nicht befüllen kann, da bereits gepflegt (dann wird die Pflegemöglichkeit deaktiviert), kann direkt an das "" schreiben. Bitte angeben, um welchen Greyhound es sich handelt und an was er wann verstorben ist!

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung in dieser wichtigen Studie - gegen den Krebs!